Friday, March 4, 2016

Collaborative Structures

February Focus: Collaborative Structures

On our last post we began diving into Collaborative Structures and the purpose they serve in the engaged classroom.  We primarily focused on Round Robin and Rally Robin. Many of you posted stating how you were going to use Rally Robin and Round Robin. There were many ideas for Round Robin including discussions surrounding: Morning Meeting, picture prompts, accessing prior knowledge, close reading a video, math and vocabulary fluency. Your responses for Round Robin included discussion surrounding Higher Order Questions aligning to standards and introductory hooks to a lesson. I look forward to seeing these two strategies used throughout your lessons.

This week we will focus on Kagan’s Rally Coach, Timed Pair Share, and Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up. Please remember that the procedures below are how I have implemented and witnessed the techniques in a classroom, but as always if you would like more information on Kagan click here!

Rally Coach
Is a fun strategy where two students take turns coaching each other to solve a problem. This is one of the most frequently modeled strategies; however, I also believe it is one of the most rewarding.


  1. Pose a question. I chose to do this on a piece of paper folded in half lengthwise, with a question on each side.
  2. One student answers a question while the other student coaches the students.
  3. They flip the paper and the roles change.
  4. Check out  this video where Molly and I modeled it! If you would like to see this in action with students, come see me!

Timed Pair Share
Students share either with one partner or a group of partners to share a topic.
  1. Teacher sets topic.
  2. Set a predetermined time.
  3. Students share while the other partner listens.
  4. Partners switch roles.

Stand up, Hand up, Pair Up
Stand up, Hand up, Pair Up is a collaborative strategy I have often called a “Mingle” during my morning meeting interactive modeling.  It is a phenomenal strategy to get your students moving, while they share with a partner.
  1. Teacher poses question.
  2. Students stand up and “mingle” throughout classroom.
  3. When signal is given (either chime or music stops playing), students put their hands up and find the nearest person to share with. 
  4. Any student who does not have  a partner goes to the middle of the classroom to find a partner.
  5. Check out this fun three minute video modeling Stand Up, Hand up, Pair up.

What new strategy will you try this month? How will you use it?

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