Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November Committees

Committees are a large piece of what makes Imagine special. Committees allow us to monitor our school's growth based off of the Measures of Excellence. 

Reviewing the Measures of Excellence and Roles:
(Roles as determined from Inside Imagine)

Super Committees:

  • Academic Growth
Role: Promote data driven decision based on our learning gains data, monitor curriculum and instruction action plans.

  • Character and Shared Values

Role: Cultivate a culture of character at your school, promote teaching right from wrong, justice, and the importance of serving others and integrate positive character into student leadership and sports while emphasizing citizenship, service and correlating positive character to success in school and in life.
Role: Teaching our teachers, leaders and other staff members what our shared values are (Justice, Integrity and Fun = JIF), what they mean and how we can embrace them in our workplace.

  • Parent Choice, School Development, and Economic Sustainability 
Role: Promote your school as the community’s first choice for education. Develop marketing plans, parent involvement plans and monitor parent satisfaction.
 Role: Promote the school’s development (programs, facilities, services, technology)  Promote the school to the community (marketing, media relations)
Promote the school’s growth or expansion (new building, new rooms, into a middle school or high school feeder pattern)
Role:Find ways for your school to live within your means. Prioritize needs, find ways to cut costs, generate more revenue and educate staff and students in financial literacy.

After the reiwing committee meeting comment on the following:

State your Super Committee:
When reviewing your committee goals what action steps have you accomplished thus far? When did you accomplish them?

What action steps are still left to take? What is your roll out date for these action steps?


  1. Academic Growth
    When reviewing our committee action steps we noticed we have accomplished and/or currently working on the following thus far:
    • Implementing writing across all subjects with all grade levels. (Completed PD Oct.16, Ongoing)
    • Increased communication and professional development with ELA and Math through monthly updates.(Began in September, Ongoing)
    • Supported Differentiation school wide through walk throughs and engagement observations. (Began in September, Ongoing)
    • Increased Math Fluency Strategies through professional development. (Completed Oct.16)

    We currently still have the following action steps unattended to:
    • Increases Cambridge awareness and vocabulary through participating school observations.
    o Roll out date: End of February
    • Increase Science Resources through Professional Development
    o Roll out date: End of February

  2. Character and Shared Values
    *Students are in the process of writing letters to members of the military. The letters will sent out for Christmas.
    *All classes are in the process of collecting non perishable food to donate to families in need.
    Action steps left to take:
    1.Organize student visits to the Rehab/Senior Center.
    2.Continue emphasizing Character goals throughout the day.

  3. Our parent choice goal was 80% parent attendance on average at our monthly parent nights -- we have NOT met this goal. We plan on continuing to promote monthly events through various media outlets.Our Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night came close to our goal, bringing us $210 which tells us our families spent about $1,100.

    Our economic sustainability goal was an enrollment of 250 students by 11/1. We met this goal. Our new goal is 265 students by 5/2016. We will meet this goal by continuing to promote our school through Friday Fest, community events, and social media.

    Our school development goal is a 50% increase in the number of Facebook likes on our page. We have NOT met this goal. We are up to 213 Facebook likes as of today. However, our weekly engagement the week of 10/30, the week of career day and red ribbon week, grew over 1,000%!!! This shows us we need to be diligent about sharing student photos and tagging other community events on our page.
