Sunday, November 22, 2015

Creating a Safe Learning Environment

As I prepare for fourth grade, in front of me I have my standards, my test specs, my DOQ wheel, my supplemental resources, the text book, my laptop open, and of course a notebook of paper on top of my calendar, "Brain."  Whew, I swear under this mess somewhere  I have a recently vacuumed  floor. (It's hiding at this point.)

Through all this necessary mess I know tomorrow all this comes second, I must first set the tone for a calming, welcoming environment. 
I recently read an article about a teacher who starts his day by complementing every student when they walk in the room. (Click this link if your curious!) 

I realize they may not have a huge thanksgiving feast this week with their families. I realize that our school may be the safe place for some of our students, I realize these couple of hours with us may be the brightest part of their day. I realize that our students may not have any control and consistency in their life. Can we offer that consistency for a portion of their day? Can we create an environment clear of what is going to happen next, through this comes a feeling of control, behavior management and greater learning. 

So it got me will I welcome the students into a safe inviting environment while setting the tone for a learning day?
These are my plans:

  • I will clean and organize the room, and free it of clutter. 
  • I will greet the students by name and with a smile when they enter the room. 
  • I will give  a personal and specific compliment to every student no later than 11 am. 
  • I will play calming music upon entering the room and when the students are working independently.
  • I will have "steps to success" or procedures on the board when they come in. These procedures will include where to put their items, what morning work to do, and to read and respond to morning message. 
  • I will celebrate the season of giving through rigorous instruction. 
  • I will celebrate with the students over a lunch in the classroom before the long break. 
  • I will remember that kids need structure, and remember a quote from the wise Rita Pierson, "Kids don't learn from people they don't like."  (What's that you say, you haven't watched "Every child needs a champion"?!? Click here! UHHMazing!)
  • I will always put the students first. Always. 
I look forward to providing a welcoming and calm classroom environment for our students. 

Let's share ideas and comment below; how do you set the tone for a safe welcoming learning environment?


  1. I set a tone for a safe, welcoming learning environment by allowing students to share personal comments during morning meeting. Whether that be weekend or holiday plans, what they "wonder" about (this was REALLY interesting) or someone they would invite to Thanksgivibg dinner (anyone, fictional or real, alive or dead --- this one was a great success and really allowed students to be as personal and "deep" as they wanted to be). Not only does it allow students to get to know each other better and feel safe and welcome, it allows me to get to know my kids better and on a deeper level.

  2. I set the tone in my classroom for a safe, welcoming learning environment by allowing children to learn how they are comfortable learning. They do not have to concentrate on sitting still or in their seat in my classroom. They concentrate simply on learning. That might be by sitting, standing, laying, or even jogging in place or doing jumping jacks (yes, I do have one student who does this). It is an expectation is that they will learn, not a request. And they do! Procedures are set in place (and remodeled as many times as necessary), so that every student has privilege to learn. My students not only feel safe and welcomed, but are proud of the place they learn and this makes learning fun for them.
